Planetary Retrogrades & The Art of Reflection
Thank you for a deeply comprehensive tour of such a complex subject: the workbook is an excellent tool & you led us through it with great clarity and authority. I get it!! It answered so many of my questions. ~ Holly Cole
This workshop is an in-depth exploration of each of the planetary retrogrades happening in April. At various points in April, 5 planets in total will be retrograde, and 4 planets in total will change direction.
This is a tremendous concentration of energy favoring reflection, re-visiting ground that has already been tread, and re-aligning actions to be more authentically attuned to the personal will and the greater forces of nature.
April’s astrology stands in contrast to the intense thrum and throb of March’s astrology, which begins to ebb as the new month rolls in.
In addition to the discussion and interpretation of each of April’s planetary retrogrades, this workshop also features a discussion on the art of reflection. The workshop explores what reflection is, what reflection helps us to do, the architecture of the practice of self-reflection, and suggestions for designing your own reflective practice.
Synced to April’s opening of a naturally more contemplative time period, this will be an opportunity to create a new reflective practice, deepen an existing one, and conduct your life with greater intention — with the planets onside. You will be able to track the events of your outer and inner worlds armed with real-time astrological knowledge, which can make all the difference when it comes to your own sense of well being and planning effective action.
If you already use astrology as a tool, maybe by following the new and full moons and keeping track of the planet’s motions and conversations with each other, this workshop is a chance to take those tools one step deeper. You will be able to observe the retrograde effects of planets in real time, and use the information you learn in this workshop for several months to come, as the retrograde cycles unfold.
Drawn from my own experiences of tracking, studying, and living through planetary retrogrades and their effects for the past 8 years, writing about them for the past 3, and my love for asking questions and observing how the answers reveal themselves, this workshop is a crafted collection of research, knowledge, interpretation, and plans for action.
(More) Practical Details:
The workshop is recorded in 3-30 minute segments for easy reference, totaling to 90 minutes.
The workshop includes accompanying tip sheets on the planetary retrogrades and the art of practicing reflection
Delivered April 6 via e-mail with links to download
Also included is a bonus on the places where this is happening in your sign’s chart. So if you’re a Libra, Cancer, or Taurus Sun or rising, you will be able to know in what area of life Saturn or Venus retrograde is happening.
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