This month begins with a vibrant and electric energy that could bring about a quick development, avalanche of surprise events, or an unexpected stroke of luck that offers a chance to break free. This is a free wheeling energy that does ask for conscious engagement rather than flow with previous or existing status quo. It is a chance to create something new and to give the consciousness upgrade that is occurring an outlet through which to express itself!
A key passage this month is Venus’ once-every-18 months retrograde. This event effectively asks us all to stop and reconsider our approach to relationships. It’s a good time to reconsider personal attitudes, needs, and desires, and to enjoy the unfoldment of situations without pushing too much of an agenda. Clarity arrives through late April, so we’re playing the long game here. Venus retrograde influences aesthetic style – be sure to honor an increase in creativity or a shift in fashion sense, but wait until Venus goes direct in the days and weeks following April 15 to effect something lasting. This Venus retrograde cycle focuses on being true to one’s own identity, and has building bridges of connection and responsibility toward others as an important part of its seed storyline.
Be aware that the intense urge for growth, change, purging, and becoming new and authentic that featured for the first time in November 2016 is building again to climax by the end of the month. After the equinox on March 20 and the New Moon in Aries on the 27th, the ground is especially fertile for planting hopes and dreams of seeds to take root and sprout in the new season. Have a wonderful month!
Read your horoscope for your Sun sign as well as your rising sign for additional insight.
This year, Venus graces your sign for much of her journey to self-reclamation and through to the waters of connection with all inhabitants of the living breathing earth. As your sign is the kind host of much of this journey, you model the experience for all of us as you live through it yourself. This is a time to reconnect with yourself as the animating life-force in the way only Aries can be. As Venus makes its passage, think on these things: what about living life turns you on most? What is the nature of the bold pursuits of your interests, and are there experiences you would love to weave into your pursuits? What adjustments can you make that would loop others into your decision making process? And finally, how can you add elements of contemplation and reflection into your life even while you are actualizing yourself and breathing life into all you touch? You are in a phase of learning from other people. Yielding to this unfolding territory— or making it a point to actively engage with it — blesses your close relationships, empowers your work so that you are seen and respected as a force to be reckoned with, and furthers your own adventure of more fully embodying that particular brand of Aries genius. This in turn graces us all.
What to do with all the additional energy you will be experiencing this month? Consider taking up a sport, spending more time in nature, or working with your body to make and create. At the same time, be sure to honor the more subtle changes in your states of being. You are in rare form in love and relationships, experiencing fluid aesthetic tastes, receiving insights into money values, and actively feeling into an erotic self-conception. The form is rare because you are typically so anchored into a steadiness of being. This is why we love you, even though some would rush you to hurry. Your magic is in the gift of pace so lovingly exercise patience with yourself and tell well-meaning others to slow their roll and bask in the wisdom that is dependable Taurus. Listen closely this month for the subtle hints and whispers coming from a more intuitive place in you. Tap into the teeming sagacity of ancient and infinite nature, and play with embodying another way of both perceiving and receiving communication from the world. Honor the increased requirement for introspection that nonetheless runs parallel to the increase in physical stamina coursing through your body. Merging the two together heightens an earthy awareness in you, which you can bring into any dilemma or self-inquiry for solutions and insights that are unusually effective.
This month, your most productive efforts are made in secret. Your best ideas arise in states of stillness and simplicity. Your most connected moments are with an intimate group who know and love you. You are balancing an active social calendar and an unusual pull to conduct your affairs away from the eyes of others. This month’s Venus retrograde points to you changing the sense impressions of your social scene with good effect. Revisit the different locales you have called home and stir up the creative potential of connecting with friends from another time in your life. Consider what it is about certain groups or qualities of your friends that support your wildest dreams in life. Then return to a place of peace with the most intimately close of them to draw up ideas that support your stepping into the technicolor fleshy fullness of those dreams. This month encourages your stepping out in front of others to display the talents you have been cultivating for some time, and letting yourself be deeply changed by sprinkling your gifts in as many different ways and places and to as many faces as you can entertain. All while honoring the still and gentle voice within that is calling the shots this month.
Your work is not separate from the beliefs you hold within yourself. The person you present to the world is infused with the way your ideas live in you outside of your public identity. You are made up of all the thoughts you think, all the relationships you’ve offered yourself to, all the books you’ve read, all the religious practices you’ve lived and all the experiences of god you’ve had within and without the walls of a temple. You know better than most that we never quite become comfortable in the world, no matter how much nesting, cleansing, and weaving we may do. You have the innate sense of soothing the feeling of not belonging here. You are charged with that task, and in the process you may discover that you must create beauty and belonging even though none of us may ever find full ease and comfort here. You know how to nurture an idea until it breathes of its own accord, to look out for friends and family who will love and share life with you, and to create sweetness or savoriness depending on your culinary proclivities. Your friends and networks are offering and asking for more energy from you this month. Collaborate and build with them as you make subtle shifts to the way you show up in the world. Daily propitiations to the ideas that are shaping what you think of as your career help them and you to flower and yield fruit.
Expect more energy to go into work and career this month. There is a combination of stellar influences operating here. They suggest that you are exerting an increase of energy into your work – nothing rushed and everything done thoroughly, completely, and with substance. You could also effectively change what you are saying about something you know a lot about, who you are saying it to, and how many people you are reaching. You have the opportunity to share the wealth of your knowledge with people who would very much benefit from having access to your specific combination of expertise, in the way you in particular, with your own individual take on things, have garnered it. This month’s Venus Retrograde cycle triggers a look at your long term vision of your relationship life. You could withdraw from situations in flux for some much needed contemplation — to your favorite foreign locale perhaps? If your are considering what sharing what both you and a current or potential partner are bringing to the table would look like, be advised of this: The astrological portents indicate the potential is for all to emerge beautifully & quite satisfactorily, but not without maturity, honest dialogue, compromise, and change on both your parts.
Intimacy is a process. It unfolds in stages that become progressively deeper and more terrifying. It loosens any pretense to control you may hold dear. It becomes more meaningful the more both parties leap into the cavern of unknown feelings, responses, outcomes, and discoveries. In diving in and emerging again, trust for yourself is developed, and equally as important, trust for one another is cultivated. This of course would require your willingness to hold someone else’s tender vulnerabilities in your capable hands, and to offer your own to the hands of another. There are methods and methodologies that will help you to get there with greater ease or at with the benefit of signposts. You could put out a request for these and see what floats back to you. For the next several weeks you have more energy flowing toward thinking about the things that make your world bigger and more knowable to you, revealing its varieties and simple mystical truths. Embarking on a new course of study, thinking about your long term plans for the future, and traveling to uncharted-by-you territory would all offer you a glimpse into the bigness that is entering your world for a longer stay in the later quarters of the year.
Let lovers and other partners have their time and space to individuate this month. They are experiencing of changing their patterns of loving and relating, and it may have nothing or everything to do with you. You can certainly help them along in this process by encouraging their stepping into the identity that is unfolding and emerging for them. On the other hand, while you may be called on to go along with your partner’s flights, know now that that may not be a role you want to take on in this moment. You do have your own adventures of identity reclamation to go on. You might be faced with memories or in the flesh encounters with past lovers. So let yourself have the emotional space you need to explore as you will and settle emotions that emerge from the past. Another part of you deeply wants to live life with and through the energy and experience of another person. This person does not necessarily have to be your primary love partner, but be informed that joining your energy with others’ for the next six weeks may create increased productivity, sensuality, and connection to the other dimensions of your own existence. Know that you are in possession of a great many valuable skills at this time, as we are all experiencing Jupiter’s transit through Libra, living the experience that you have all the time by virtue of being a Libra. Your generosity in sharing ways of being that are inherent in you is more appreciated than you may know.
If there is the potential to work with a partner or lover, this month begins the seeding phase of that process, which will complete itself and begin to take off mid-May. This month a partner may provide the motivation needed for you to bring a shift in the way you approach your work life. They are a steady and persistent influence for you, which can be incredibly grounding given your profoundly passionate approach to life, but know that the flip side of that coin is the quality of not budging from an entrenched position without either a titanic show of effort from you or them. It’s more likely the passing of a substantial time or the withdrawal of energy that will get them to move from their position – which again can be a strength or challenge for someone who is constantly emerging into a new dimension of self-experience and self-expression as you do. Your influence is the fiery effort you want to lead at work. It’s a good idea to offer gentle suggestions in line with your vision to begin to shape the landscape and prepare the soil for the seeds that need to germinate within you first. It will be more seasonally appropriate to plant in earnest from late April.
If you are a parent, this month’s astrology contains an invitation for you to consider different approaches to raising your children. You might want to find ways to honor their individuality, and offer opportunities for them to more actively discover and express themselves in ways that are fitting to them. All Sags, regardless of parental status, are experiencing a heightened relationship with the muses. Their whispers are louder and more distinct now, and they really want you to take their ideas and breathe life into them through your art, music, flirtatiousness, and all around creative prowess. The process might involve unearthing and experiencing deeply buried emotional longings, or even deeper ancestral storylines that heal you as you process and express them out of your body. All of this happens while you are putting more energy into running your life smoothly from day to day. For as active and dynamic a sign as you are and very well acquainted with knowing how to make things happen — helped immensely with the Jupiterian powers of buoyancy and belief Sags are blessed with at birth — it may help you over the next 5-6 weeks to free up your energy by either bringing in more solid help with the tasks you can easily outsource to someone who would be happy to help you, Or keep to a loosely structured daily routine that’s designed to help you feel good and be fruitful. This month, time spent in leisure is time well spent.
This year, you are completing a process of individuating from inherited family values. These are ways of being, emotional residues, beliefs that you may or may not agree with, and emotional practices you may be living from ancestral memory. It is a better time than ever to actively investigate these deeply buried emotional features. Until there is a conscious reclamation and relationship created to current or ancient familial bloodline patterns, it is possible you could carry them and allow them to inform more of your actions than would be appropriate for someone as liberated as you are in the process of becoming, courtesy of Pluto’s decade plus long transit of your sign. Do things like investigating ancestry, re-connecting to your bloodline, reading the folklore of your people, with the purpose of creating a conscious decision about how you relate to your family and your style of living today. The experience this yields is lightness. Dropping metaphorical weight. Liberated brain space, creative expression, and thought patterns that are your own creation, with the timeline starting now. Cleanse your space and make your literal, emotional, and metaphorical home your sanctuary. Mars travels in an excellent angle to your sign, amping up play, romance, and the ability to give form to your inspirations. Soak in the culture and give it all back.
You are experiencing a change of mind. Any stray memories that are emerging are part of a broader shift in your core thought processes and how you assert your points of view. You are literally in the process of a creative mental rebirth so give yourself the creative nourishment you need to facilitate this. Artist’s dates, fresh reading material, conversations with new people, traveling to other states of consciousness, and absorbing stray synchronistic bits of data in your environment all fuel and propel this process. If you need to keep your simmering newness close to the chest, allow yourself the luxury of letting your ideas percolate intimately, but get them out of your body! Alternatively, you could let your new tune establish itself by expressing it outwardly, giving it life in sound, vibration, and its effect on others, and seeing what becomes of it and you from there. What you’re doing is defining your own identity through creating clearing old mental passageways and creating new ones. What you’re going through through mid April during Venus’ retrograde will wind up holding immense value for the person you are becoming and the life you are stepping into. Eventually this will become something that is shared on a much broader stage than the one you are now considering.
You are energized and vivified by the power of the Sun moving through Pisces for much of this month. You can use this time to reacquaint yourself with the state of your own inner life, your desires motivations and needs, and as as an opportunity to check in with how far you have come. It’s worth reminding you that you are in a peak state in which all the work you have put toward what it is you would call your calling in life, is manifesting fruits and putting you in a position of authority and leadership. Yours is a sign that leads best by simply being what you are. Your energy is inviting and more influential than you may be aware, so all you need do is make the choice to fully embody your own natural state of being, and others receive life from that. This is in fact a great month to be more forthright and persistent about your views, thoughts, and any ideas you’d like to share with others. Your mind is more active this month, and the planetary energies are favoring both gentle boldness, self-belief, and persistence in sharing your ideas with others.
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