This month, we are at a genuine turning point. A qualitatively different energy from much of the year is now present and available. This month embodies a moment of beginnings that makes clear how better off we are when we choose to go it together.
The month opens up with a relationship oriented New Moon in Libra – inaugurating a year of extended focus on fairness. With Libra, that word has gravity to it, as what is fair often transcends our personal preferences and accommodates a more profound sense of justice. The planets are reflecting the presence of actively infusing more harmony, beauty, charm, and consideration for others into the activities we live every day. At the opening of the month, watch for overextended commitments – be aware of wanting to please or charm and so over promising. There is however the ability to genuinely overdeliver, so take measured action. We may have to face darker ego challenges around October 7th – this intensity passes so take what gurgles up to the surface for its value to you and then let it go. Around the 11th, a bittersweet emotional exchange allows healing to flow. The Full Moon on the 16th is fiery and electric – its message is of boldness and leadership. Any risks taken around that time should be calculated. This is a Full Moon to stay up with the stars and the explore the corners of the soul only available in the serene hours available deep in the night. October 19th sees a once every two year availability of enormous force of desire and strength. Use this energy to purge, to create from the depths of yourself, to draw up that 5 year plan – or just a thorough vision for 2017.
Charm and an acute sense of seeing into the truth of the situation goes a long way in resolving any disputes from the 13th to the 18th. A more vivacious color of love unfurls from the 18th through the month’s end. Watch those rose colored glasses in love and money, however, from the 23-26th. Around Halloween, the reality of relationships becomes manifest and acutely perceptible. Those on the rocks either need work or to be released while relationships that are solid are deepened.
Read your Sun sign for your horoscope, as well as your rising sign if you know it. While this is a general forecast for your sign, an individual personal reading is recommended for deeper work. Have a great October!
You are strong and effective this month, capable of making substantial strides with incredible efficiency. While you are likely to have the upper hand in any conflict, know that making a real effort to genuinely understand others’ point of view opens creative horizons that lead gaining important social ground. You are an individual, and these past few years have seen you undergoing a powerful process of personal transformation to enhancing this aspect of yourself. This month, let the force of your considerable ingenuity actually fuel the contrast between you and others. In a game of opposites, standing in the electric light of your own truth usually means you are courageously lighting a path for others. Your strength is nothing to be afraid of. Use the potent willpower you have at your disposal to single-mindedly pursue your deepest desires. While you normally get very far very fast going it alone, you have just entered a phase of life where you benefit greatly from partnering up in all kinds of ways. Let other people influence you, and let the vigor of your presence shape others. You will be better off for it.
You are magnetic this month, continuously exuding a come hither mist that creates a powerful draw over others. Let the sensual magnetism you feel at the opening of the month wash over all you produce for the rest of the month. You are a creature that loves quality, and that shines through to the works you create. For the next year, you benefit from beautiful collaborations with others. If you choose to actively seek this kind of collaboration out, through inner desire and pure magnetism power combined with actively seeking it outwardly, you will have an easier than usual time finding it. Let this month sort, soothe, and balance you with what it wants to give you: Loads of self care in the form of art, gorgeous and relaxing shared meals, and actively caring for your body. You are in an extended moment where substantial dividends are doled out to you in the form of an improved day to day life, when you improve your nutrition and self care habits. Allow the big wide world to inform how you live your every day life, and the work you produce. Be sure to make space in the middle of this month for quiet message to bubble up from within you. That gentle whispering voice has something to say about how you might offer the intuitive gifts you have on speed dial to enhance the rhythms of your daily life.
An active month is in store for you. You are likely to be the liaison between a lot of moving pieces across many scenarios in life this month. You are embodying the peace broker, and this comes with the perk of bringing fun, beauty, and keen sense of connection wherever you go. This is a substantial offering you make, as the power of wit and weaving you spin this month has the ability to have significant effect in drawing people into relation with you and with each other. In conversations with those who seem to have the upper hand, apply your best powers of negotiation, seeking a fair and just resolution for all parties. This month may find you joining forces with others in a powerful way. Note the strong relationships in your life, and consider how intelligently pooling resources – material, emotional, social, may benefit you both. If you open the month with a generous helping of fun – perhaps go to that gallery opening, film festival, or dinner party – you will be in good shape to observe an important revelation waiting for you around the time of the Full Moon. That has to do with your vision for your life. Fulfilling it might mean ruffling some feathers, perhaps simply the feathers of your own expectations. You’ve always been a singular individual — let the truth of that carry you to fulfilling the storyline of your life’s calling.
You have done a great job streamlining your health in the past year. Keep it up and notice the impeccable way your clarity of mind and fitness of body augments an almost divine organization scheme unfurling in your professional life later in the year. It would be almost unbelievable if you hadn’t put in the work first hand, day in and day out, yourself. This month, let your roots, your home, and the idea of your ancestry benefit from your luscious Cancerian attention. Turn your nourishing gaze to the real or visionary home that is your place of root and refuge from the world. Watch how the cultivation and care you are so good at is lovingly reflected back to you there. Also take time this month to think about the gift you share with the world out there. There is a chord of music you in particular can hear — it delights others when you play it so they can hear it too. You will see this dynamic clearly at the Full Moon midmonth. Relationships require a not insignificant portion of your energy this month. They also provide rocket fuel for your career. Let the mutual force you develop with a partner change you both, and carry you to a new peak.
Your every day communications now enjoy a golden touch, Leo. The New Moon that opens up October inspires you to plant seeds with this in mind. Your thoughts are your greatest assets for the next year, so cultivate them. Let the everyday conversations you have nourish your expression of the fullness of who you are. Broadcasting your personal truth has a force of strength behind it that is inspiring to others with the Full Moon mid month.
Much is coming together this month to help you take care of practical affairs. Take this month to streamline and organize you work life and don’t be afraid to be ruthless about changes that need to be made. This month reveals to you how your every day life is likely to include more moving pieces. With that comes the culling of what you don’t personally need to attend to, and the addition of a selection of people who can help you, so you can do what you do best. By the end of the month a bright and generous spirit could help you breath life into a creative project.
Now that you’ve wrapped up an extended phase of work on right relationships and what you’re here to do on this earth, you can direct your considerable incisive wit to other matters. First on the list for your attention is your relationship to your personal material resources. The next year is a great time to conduct an objective analysis of your earning situation. Notice the ways that tending to the familial and home thread in your life allows you to enhance your earning power. A clarifying insight about how others complement your financial position awaits you at the Full Moon midmonth. Beyond money, an incredible amount of creative potential is available to you at this time, and so is the discipline to bring creative missions to form. Allow yourself to descend into sensuous layers of experience to fully tap this potential. A piercing piece of helpful news development is nestled between periods of busyness in the last 10 days of the month. Push for a fruitful financial development associated with home or family around that time — but keep Virgo lenses at the ready to ensure all is as it seems and is managed prudently.
A new set of possibilities is swiftly unfurling in your world. The world wants to live more through you. It wants you to be its ambassador of bigness, beauty, equanimity, and harmony. More social events, more travel, and an expanded mode of activity. Whatever you are doing, take it up a notch – whether that is quantitatively in terms of numbers or qualitatively in terms of return on personal joy. Find ways to open up the gauge to allow more to flow through. The charm, keen attention, and sociability you command 365 days/ year is now especially valuable for yourself and to others. Put your astute leadership ability beautifully dressed in consideration for others to work to your advantage. This turns out being to the advantage of all. This month’s energetic palate offers you the ability to find the ways that teaming up with others can benefit you financially. That might be as literal as an actual collaboration or as arcane as soaking up the energetic inspiration you draw from sundry sources. Let yourself change in the ways you are drawn to do. There is something gurgling within you. Its force is potent. Use it to rearrange the furniture in your home, and carry it deeper to rearrange your relationship to the different parts of yourself. A short trip in the last weekend of the month could provide you with valuable clarity. Any relationship developments at this time show you what needs to be worked on or gently released. Let the fresh breeze relieve you.
Our goddess Venus graces your sign for most of the month. This is an excellent time to consider what it is your heart is most sincerely singing out for. It is a moment to attune yourself to the nature and force of your desire. Define it, Scorpio. Anything you want is yours when you make a home inside yourself for it first. You more than most are privy to the inner workings of the powers of magnetism and its natural sister repulsion. Weave and work the grace of this gift you have. You are supported in contemplative efforts as you begin the month in reflective mode. The annual Libra season typically finds you in a more introspective state. And for the next year you continue to benefit from time carved out for regular exploration of your inner landscapes. Your mind this month is in excellent shape for that, or any other mental work you have on your plate. You have insuperable strength for any presentations, written communications, or storytelling contests you find yourself in this month. Your mind is at supermassive black hole event horizon mode for poring through and organizing large amounts of information. Use that power for constructive purposes as your words and thought power carry great force this month.
You come alive with the life force of the Sun when it enters your sign on October 22. In the last 10 days of the month, you are in a position to attract the help you need to organize your finances and restructure your portfolio. All month long, check in frequently with your body — ensure it is getting all the love, activity, and nourishment it needs for optimal functioning.
You have been doing profound work on yourself from January 2015. The purpose of this foray through more gravity in life is to deepen your relationship to all facets of your existence, and to let that come forth in every part of your life. Now that you are acclimated with the momentum of this energy, a Sagittarius style lucky break arrives. Your social network is expanding — and with it your opportunities for settling deeper into your dharma, or singular path in life. This month sees you exploring new connections and expressing the message of your truest self as you do. Mid-month, you have the opportunity to apply superior organizational skills available to you to bolster the strength of your earning power. Later in the month, as the Sun is in Scorpio, you enter your annual month long phase of feeling the pull to inquire more deeply within. This is a perfect complement to the deeper long term work you have been doing, and a great opportunity to consolidate your position as you look ahead to your personal new year. Also toward the end of the month you will notice your look a lot more beautiful to the world – all that serious work you have been doing is on display to others, and it looks good. Let the reality of who you are and what you want serve as your compass; it will lead you in the right direction for you, which always ends up being perfect for everyone else.
Take steps to consolidate your position and forecast your future steps this month. You are preparing for life to move at a faster pace than has been the case this year. You have tremendous discipline at your disposal. This month, everyone else will experience a personal dose of the continuous rebirth process you have been undergoing since 2008. You are poised to lead others through the navigating this. You have just entered an extended phase of enhanced professional prospects. That means all the work you have already put in is more easily noticed, and the work you are doing now extends out further. The best way to make use of such an energy is to create grooves and containers through which the blessings finding their way to you can flow through and into. Through it all, make substantial space for peace and reflection in your life. Ambient, solitary time soothes and serves you now. The wide vistas and open space of nature provide important perspective on the days your load feels particularly weighty. As the space inside you expands, your outer world responds in turn. Be bold about surrounding yourself with the environment you need to do your work in the world.
This month is the vision you have for the arc of your life. It is about the well of strength you draw from a source that is bigger than you. Travel, culture, and deepening your relationship with spirit are avenues to access that source. In such an extended phase of social recognition of your professional accomplishments as you are in now, you have the ability to see farther, dream broader, reach more people than you have for some time. That means you stand on solid ground to make allies of your personal goals for your existence as a human, finding harmony between those and what you believe is the right way for you to live. Generously share the beauty of the truth you have realized for yourself with others – that’s what Aquarius is all about. Your inner life is rumbling this month. Unusual messages filter through and give you signs through the physical events in your world. Give extra attention to your dreams and floating fancies this month, and notice the connection between those and the ideas you are motivated to express, especially midmonth. Any practice or activity that connects you to the wisdom buried in you is well worth the effort.
This month opens a new chapter of exploring your life experience in the context of intimacy with others. Shared purpose between yourself and intimate cohorts augments the heights you are currently experiencing in your professional life. Given this, and your abundant openness and generosity to others, ensure that the influences you surround yourself with are genuinely support the work you are here to do in the world. You have the opportunity this month to create strong alliances that support your vision for your life. Use the light shining on your closest partnerships this month to ensure that the good things generated by and shared between you are fairly distributed. You have particularly strong backers in your social network this month – think of leveraging that support to get your message out there in a bigger, broader, and more emotionally impactful way. Midmonth, the Full Moon shines a spotlight on your personal resources in the form of money most immediately, and extending to social clout. The message has to do with how resources shared between you and a partner support the strength of your professional life and funnel money in your bank account. You are making significant headway, and you have plenty of support on the way.
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