The only thing that will bring happiness is affection and warmheartedness. This really brings inner strength and self-confidence, reduces fear, develops trust, and trust brings friendship. We are social animals, and cooperation is necessary for our survival, but cooperation is entirely based on trust. When there is trust, people are brought together—whole nations are brought together.
~His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
New Moon in Libra. 8 degrees 15 minutes Libra. September 30th, 2016, 8:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time.
This New Moon continues the steady stream of potent energy that has characterized August and September. While being a lot more chill, this new lunar cycle remains quite energetically demanding. It promises however, that a partnership, collaboration or even the mirror of duality provided by an Other, offers blessings, protection, and joy for all ventures seeded in this moment.
This equinoctial New Moon carries with it the idea of other-ness. Interaction with each other sculpts our identities as individuals. Contrast is a path to reel in those qualities in others that are complements to us. By observing and absorbing each other, we pick up on others’ tendencies, strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, behaviors, and habits, and live them out through our selves and with each other. Contrast provides the starkness to discern who and what we are in comparison to others.
Contrast is a precursor to collaboration – one of the big themes of this New Moon. Any collaboration initiated in the darkness of this Moon, and studiously invested in over the course of this Moon cycle and beyond, promises sweet fruit for harvest under the light of numerous Moons to come. The Sun and Moon sit together at a table with Jupiter, and all agree to inaugurate Jupiter’s year long stay in Libra with this meeting. This seed moment echoes in ripples stretching deep into 2017.
Ventures initiated now benefit from the cultivation and deepening of refinement for the duration of their lifecycle. This New Moon tells a tale of making a game of raising the bar on the pleasantness of any collaborative situation. How can it be lovelier? How can everyone be happier? How can it smell, look, and taste nicer? How can it be even more pleasant to participate in? How can we be even more effective together? How can we energize and motivate each other? How can we make our work more beautiful? Plan to heartfully, lovingly invest in the many forms of relationship you intend to deepen with this New Moon.
Another message of this New Moon is the emotional chord others strum within us. This is a message about the power that is pooled when people join forces. Within a certain dynamic, drawing power from others can be a life-giving exchange. Other times collaboration, teaming up and unifying in purpose serves to empower individuals that form a unified entity, in way that is deep and arcane. This lunation presents an invitation to lucidly notice the effect others create within us. This effect may come from a quality that person in fact possesses, or it may be a subtle resonance that is shimmering in us when we stand at a certain angle, or look at the other in a particular light.
This Libra New Moon speaks of thriving, blooming, and blossoming through all forms of relationships. It says treat your friends, cohorts, and partners well, and observe your bond strengthen and deepen. It says breathe in the crisp air of autumn and see the other with the clarity that breath invokes. They are an en-fleshed soul. What societal logic follows from that type of objective appraisal? War is the natural opposite to Libra’s enmeshment with love. This is the season of pulling out the best in conflict resolution tactics. Pluto’s square to this lunation adds that this is the season of battles of adjustment taken on from a place of deep pull and desire. Adjustment of this kind may not just for individual fulfillment or even immediate relational fulfillment, but on behalf of some chord struck long ago or far into the future on humanity’s timeline, that must be danced to now and today.
New Moons are moments of beginning. Until you see a sliver of growing crescent light in the sky in a few days time, the Moon is dark, and it is a perfect time to vision, reflect, dream, and plant. The Libra New Moon gently urges you to do that in moments of shared closeness.
With love,
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