Today’s Moon in Aries is a highly active Moon. Astrologically, that means the Moon is making many aspects to other planets. What that means for us is that there are many activities happening today and over the course of the next 24 hours or so. Another point of focus is that Venus and Mars are both making aspects to Saturn (both Mars and Venus) and Jupiter (just Venus, which is retrograde).
In the broader picture, we’re just coming off of a Full Moon which happened at the same time Saturn stationed to go direct. Whenever Saturn stops and changes direction the glass is stirred and we feel the motion. Saturn raises issues of competence, achievement, and the uber practical root or stake in the ground that indicates that your existence is manifest on earth in a way that is identifiable with only you.
Mars in the sign of Cancer is the dispositor of Saturn in Scorpio. Scorpio’s traditional ruler is Mars, and when Saturn is in Scorpio, wherever Mars is, there is the quality or character of Saturn’s activities.
This combination produces a concern with family legacy, inheritance, and responsibility to a clan that has to do with shared resources. Saturn is the ruler of one of the signs on the parental axis — Capricorn — and Mars in Cancer occupies the sign on the other side of that axis. Family matters, stories around the father or forefather are writ large, and so is the notion of the establishment of the self that is the result of a commitment to complete and honest transformation. That last because Jupiter in Leo is amplifying Saturn themes through his applying square to the planet.
Another iteration of the symbolism of Mars trine Saturn is the diligence required to produce tangible results. Mars is in the sign of his fall, but the trine aspect creates a relative ease of foresight and planning along with the desire to conduct such activities, and the wheels are greased and turning now that Saturn is direct. As he quickens his pace over the next couple of weeks, progress in a number of practical matters quickens with him. Remember now that Jupiter square Saturn wants to dream dreams that are larger than life, yet the square aspect between the planet of plenty and the planet of restriction says “yes dream big, but keep your feet on the ground and work diligently. shine light within and know yourself. let your dreams be crystallized by the thorough work of both your hands. remember that the swiftness of the gods is called in by the consistent drumbeat of your own momentum.”
And so it is!
With love,
Also, registration for the Venus Retrograde Workshop is ongoing, join us as we call in the Goddess to help us explore, love, creativity, and money over the course of four weeks!
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