Hi everyone,
Over the next 20-26 hours is an interesting configuration occurring in the heavens which another astrologer has pointed out today and which I’d like to expand on here.
The Moon is in expansive fire sign Sagittarius today. Over the next day or so it will make contact with three major points in the following order: Uranus, Chiron, Jupiter.
When this happens the waxing Moon will receive information from Uranus newly retrograde. Uranus is a planet that brings awareness of the ideal form things could take. Since Uranus is the first planet discovered beyond Saturn, he challenges strict adherence to to the status quo, in fact he wants to annihilate it in favor of clearing the path for birthing a new status quo that is aligned with the notion of limitless possibility.
This idea of limitless possibility is compounded with the Moon’s final aspect before going void (at 9:37 AM EDT) in trine to Jupiter. Jupiter and Uranus together really want to bring the ideal of unbounded growth, or happiness, or a perfected societal structure into form. Why not? The only thing stopping that from happening is your own will to design that into fruition.
Which is what is happening in the larger context of the summer’s astrology. Jupiter and Saturn are inching ever closer to perfecting their square aspect. This happens around 8 or 9 AM on August 3rd. In about a week, but the influence has been in effect for some time.
With today’s configuration of the Moon, take note of the ways in which unbound expansion according to an ideal find its way into your world. Maybe you have a conversation around this possibility, or you are inspired by a sudden intuition (intuition being an expression of the fire of Sagittarius), or a new opportunity breaks through.
Whatever it is, I propose that the new and shiny, hopeful, radiant possibility is totally within the realm of being brought to physical fruition, with, of course, the honoring of the sweat equity required to build such a possibility.
Another point to highlight the divine orchestration of the heavens is that before Jupiter and Saturn perfect their square on August 3 (at 28 degrees 17 mins Leo and Scorpio), Saturn resumes direct motion on August 2. He’lll still be moving very slowly for another week or so before he really begins to hustle along. However, this indicates a slight opening in a floodgate that has been impermeable up until this point.
The astrology of this summer is one of regeneration based on deep self knowledge. It’s about the marathon and the long game, the vision, and everything that is required to play the long game. Foresight, patience, virtue, faith, surrender.
Although it’s just a day’s astrology, it’s a day that connects a few key players in the longer term story of the summer. As I continue my study of Chiron in my own life I am finding that this minor planet is a major influence. The Sagittarius Moon over the next day will square Chiron after its trine to Uranus and before its trine to Jupiter. This is an opportunity to settle any inner sense of runaway chaos, intuit into the dimension of the freedom or transcendence desired that would serve as deep support, and craft a way to integrate that into the foundational beams of the longer term vision for your life.
Take good care.
With love,
P.S. Chiron is currently retrograding back to trine my Moon and I’m undergoing a deep

exploration of femininity across literature, art, culture, which in many ways feels like a trek toward some kind of healing summit.
P.P.S. — We start the Venus retrograde workshop this Friday July 31. If you want to register the link is here. We’d love to have you join us.
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