Today we are fresh from the New Moon in Cancer. The Leo Moon is not making any substantial aspects today. Using the major planets and ptolemaic aspects, Moon will be forming a trine to Uranus in the next 11-12 hours. Tomorrow, NorHem, The Moon meets up with Jupiter and Venus as if to say “so what’s been with you two?”, and ushering Venus out of Leo.
Despite the relatively quiet lunar day, there is a lot of astrology going on. Let’s look at a few in segments, then take a look at the big picture.
* Fresh off the New Moon in Cancer with the Moon in Leo adds vivaciousness to the stellium of planets in Cancer. When we see the sliver of the Moon in the sky, we’ll know that momentum is building and we should be gearing up our plans for this lunar cycle.
* The concept of “plans” is a big player in the astrology now, as Jupiter applies to square Saturn in the first week of August. This configuration is about considering what gives your life meaning, dreaming big because why not, looking to the future (all Jupiter themes), and at the same time acknowledging limitations, becoming aware of necessary adjustments, and building support structures underneath your castles in the sky.
* Venus is at the anaretic degree of Leo, preparing to ingress Virgo. When Venus enters Virgo on the 18th, she will remain at 0 degrees for 10 days. All 10 days she remains at 0 Virgo she will be conjunct fixed star Regulus, associated with archangel Michael, Leo, and the rest of the fixed signs by association. This is a crux point to watch for the upcoming Venus Retrograde cycle. We’ll want to note what emerges at this stationing point of Venus.
* Sun applying to trine Saturn reinforces the Saturnian mood. This is like using the power of the past, using the power of memory, or the mute or subtle undercurrents of feeling to fuel both visionary dreaming and tangible effort consistently applied — Real Work.
It promises to be a potent moon cycle. It might be easy to start many projects now, perhaps easy to work on them over time. With the imbalance of earth and mutable signs, we’ll want to consciously inject practical goal setting and a measure of flexibility into our projects or activities.
Take good care.
With love,
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