Saturday’s Full Moon is an eclipse at 14 degrees 24 minutes of Libra.
The Aries Libra axis is highlighted at this full Moon. This is the me-we axis.
The Moon, our emotional body and emotional pendulum will move into an opposition with the Sun, the ego consciousness. And this is fairly easy to imagine, it consists of a separation of 180 degrees across a circle. Full on direct face off. The Moon will then be eclipsed by the Sun, symbolically turning the lights off for a moment. Sink into that moment when the lights have been on, but now are turned off. There are still things happening, but the way you relate to your environment changes. Your pupils dilate, your senses of hearing and touch are enhanced. The darkness bleeds and blends all the shapes and colors. In this space, your imagination and intuition create new pockets of reality that the previous harshness of the light could not allow.
Close eyes, open eyes.
Now the lights are back on.
And this whole new world of information is still with you. What has changed is the fact that you know it. Now you must relate to your world in a new way with your newfound knowledge.
What it Means — This Astrologer’s Take on the Eclipse
We know that though sometimes brash, Aries is at least authentic. They are just being themselves, and if you have a problem with it than that is a personal issue, which by the way they won’t stick around to sort out with you. However, bringing in the Libra aspect of this eclipse tempers that self absorbed Aries thrust. One of the messages of this eclipse is the need for diligent, controlled effort to actively acknowledge others’ needs in the process of responding to a situation. We acknowledge that we all would like for things to be done our way. Yet we have to work together to get something off the ground, and that means that we each must accommodate numerous viewpoints.
When we take it upon ourselves to be considerate of others, we go much farther together than we would alone, even if the going is slower. That is the ruler of Aries Sun conjunct Uranus, Mars, currently in Taurus and inconjunct Saturn.
That the Moon is highlighting the era-defining Uranus-Pluto square points to being able to sense others’ vulnerability intuitively. When we care for others in this way, it usually means that we have developed a solid enough self-care practice to be able to do so. Pluto in Capricorn still has until 2023, and part of the responsibility Pluto is charging us with is to be able to remain present through personal, relational, and social pain and vulnerability so that we can elegantly dismantle decaying personal, relational, and social structures toward the end of creating a society built on real order and authentic values that serve everyone. This process begins on the individual level.
Engaging with this process requires a number of personal qualities. Among them are self-awareness, self-control, consideration, collaboration, and patience.
So if you are feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated, experiencing high stress or a sense of loss, take a deep breath. Take three deep breaths. Engage in self care practices and get back out there. No progress you make is ever lost.
If you are riding high on a series of major wins, keep going, and make sure to tend to those in your life who help you achieve.
In any case, keep your eyes peeled and keep your wits about you. Notice the crossroads where you stand, and choose a direction with awareness.
image: Photo by Flickr user Erik Charlton
MonarchAstrology says
“We know that though sometimes brash, Aries is at least authentic. They are just being themselves, and if you have a problem with it than that is a personal issue, which by the way they won’t stick around to sort out with you.” – Haha so true!
arabastrologer says
It’s so true Sabrina, and I say all that with a bias toward Aries, too.