The Moon, having just been full, is now in what is called the disseminating phase of its cycle. What has just come to pass is the Full Moon — the illumination of information, the culmination of of the actions seeded at new moon, the awareness of self, others, the world and your place in it. The cosmic flashlight shines on everybody’s consciousness. The lunar light was at its brightest, so that even at night we could see clearly. Let this image simmer in you.
During the Full Moon, others saw the fruits of what we planted at the New Moon, and we in turn could see how people interacted with these fruits. Now the call is to share the seeds of that awareness with others. Disseminating — from the Latin disseminare, “to spread seed in every direction, for propagation”.
Later, during the last quarter square, we will put finishing touches on what has bloomed since the new Moon, then prepare for repose as the Moon darkens to new once again.
For the Virgoans & Geminis among us (and those who love them and their ways), the Moon is disseminating until it is at the Last Quarter Square phase. This is the 135-90 degree relationship to the Sun.
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image: thierry ehrmann — Platon, painted portrait
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