Notes on Directing the Will, under a Mars in Capricorn sky

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Thoughts under the The Virgo Moon standing across the sky from Neptune in Pisces, and Mars in Capricorn squaring the Aries-Libra nodal axis.

The planetary configuration reminds us today that what you create, somebody else will build on. The quality with which you intone or intend or execute, will be picked up on and scattered, diffused, emphasized, or amplified by those involved who are responding to the force of your thrust. The same for you. You pick up on the intention and the space in which that intention exists, and you can respond to it in various ways.

In any given context — a conversation, a team project, an ongoing problem to solve, any possible situation involving multiple people, people often times respond to the borders existing around the situation. It is then in anybody’s hands to keep the situation within its existing confines or, alternatively, to bring in another element–perhaps an out of the blue, unexpected element– to move the situation forward to a different, uncharted plateau, where a new “next possible experience” can be realized.

It’s useful to consider how this might apply in various situations. Does this resonate with you?

**Please note I am running a pay-what-you-want special on readings. Visit the readings page for more information and to book.

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California based astrologer in practice since 2014. Blending traditional astrology with Yogic/Vedic philosophy, and wisdom teachings, art, poetry, literature and spirituality.

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