Last Night As I Was Sleeping by Antonio Machado Last night as I was sleeping, I dreamt—marvelous illusion!— that a spring was breaking out in my heart. I said: Along which secret aqueduct, Oh water, are you coming to me, water of a new life that I have never drunk? Last night as I was…
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces 2016 – The Tide Pulled Back
The New Moon in Pisces is a Total Eclipse of the Sun. It is exact at 18 degrees Pisces 56 minutes, on March 8, 2016 at 8:54 PM EDT Pisces is the sign of two fish eternally swimming in opposite directions. Binary reality is overcome in this sign. Dividing lines are softened here. Black…
The Eclipse of March 20 2015, Set in its Context
It was well said, A te & a scientia. William Lilly *the following information is partially drawn from Bernadette Brady’s book, Predictive Astrology. Eclipses are not stand-alone events, they are part of a family of eclipses that carries a thread of meaning through time. The timeframe of an eclipse cycle is around one thousand…