Happy birthday, Frida Kahlo! Frida Kahlo’s birthday was on July 6. In this post I am going to take a look at the Sun in her birth chart through the lens of Hellenistic astrology. The Sun in any chart is going to speak to the topics of purpose, expression of the individuality, and the intellectual…
Birth Charts
Eclipses, Oppositions, Nodes — July Astrology Podcast Update
Today I have a special edition of the July astrology podcast. In this episode I discuss the astrology of this month’s eclipse season, and take a look at the general shape of the next couple of months. I also took a chart question from the audience and responded to it on the podcast. That…
Besiegement in Drew Barrymore’s Birth Chart
Beseigement is a Medieval aspect concept that occurs when a planet is separating from an aspect to one malefic and applying to an aspect with another malefic with no intermediary aspect. Drew Barrymore’s Moon in Cancer is besieged by two malefics. It is separating from a conjunction to Saturn retrograde in Cancer and applying to…