This is a brief reflection on my experience inside of a Jupiter ruled profection year. When I first started learning about annual profections a couple of years ago, I really would have liked to have something concrete to refer to about what to expect. But experience is the best teacher, and since I have had some, I am going to share with you!
Jupiter was my temporary lord of the year, overseeing the entire year, infusing its flavor into the winding tributaries of my life this year. My natal Jupiter is in the 12th and the Sun is in a square aspect to Jupiter in my chart.
I started off the year (from my birthday in January) really deeply immersed in learning a sacred sanskrit hymn to Lord Siva, called the Sri Rudram. Around the spring time, in May, I had all but completed learning the Rudram. I was called to learn this sacred chant because my spiritual teacher, guide, guru, and Divine Mother Her Holiness Amma Sri Karunamayi encouraged all her devotees to learn Rudram for a special event in May of this year. She particularly encouraged women to chant.
It’s important to note that discrimination against women chanting vedas is still very prevalent in India and in the west. So Amma’s encouraging women to chant is a break with discriminatory tradition that doesn’t actually have any basis in Vedic teachings.
In May I attended a 5-day sacred spiritual event just outside Atlanta, GA. This involved between 300-500 people chanting the Rudram 55x each, for a total of about 16,000 repetitions altogether.
It was the most important event of innumerable lifetimes for me. There are no words to describe it.
This year, Pluto has been transiting my Sun in the 9th house, and my spirituality has been strongly foregrounded in my life in a much more intense way than the past 6-7 years or so. In the years leading up to this one, I would always say my spirituality is the most important thing to me in my life. This year, that phrase became a bit alive in my life than it had been previously.
During the Full Moon that was nearest to my natal Lord of the Year, I met another spiritual teacher, Sri M, whose books I had completely devoured during the summer eclipse season. I took his blessings and was fortunate enough to introduce myself, ask a handful of questions, and speak with him. I could feel shakti in his presence.
I marveled that I met him during the Full Moon right on my natal Jupiter during a Jupiter ruled year.
In my chart, Jupiter also rules the 11th house, and I definitely grew in spiritual community this year.
I also had several lucky breaks this year. And while the entire year wasn’t all sunshine and roses, overall, it definitely was. Especially following my Mars ruled profection year where Mars is out of sect in a day time chart, and there was an angular Mars retrograde that year….. It was challenging. Very glad that’s over!
So that is the story in a nutshell of my Jupiter ruled profection year!