First a reminder that this week is the last week to book a year ahead reading with me at my current prices. Prices will increase on Jan 1, 2022. Existing clients always receive a discount when booking a reading. New clients will receive lots of new client love 🙂 If you have a friend who would love to have an astrology reading, ask me about a gift certificate! You can click here to book.
Ok, on to Jupiter in Pisces.
Jupiter in Pisces is incoming!
Jupiter enters Pisces 11:09 pm ET / 8:09pm PT, December 28, 2021.
Jupiter represents everything that expands our life – whether it’s a greater perspective on ourselves and our lives, a new opportunity, an open door, a different attitude, or new possibilities and increased options.
Another dimension of Jupiter’s meaning that doesn’t get as much discussion, is its natural resonance with higher ideals, honor, nobility, religion and spirituality, magnanimity, generosity, and charity.
What’s special about this Jupiter ingress is that Jupiter is entering one of the signs that it rules, which means it has more resources, greater strength to bring about the things that Jupiter signifies. In its own sign of rulership, Jupiter can bring order to situations that have been chaotic, and support or resources that are helpful or that offer guidance.
Jupiter is an outer planet, in the sense that it is a planet that’s outside the earth’s orbit. So its movements in the sky, and its activations to one’s chart, signify storylines that take place on a longer timeline, and can have more meaning, impact, and significance for our lives.
When Jupiter enters Pisces, it transitions from an air sign to a water sign. The energy of upliftment Jupiter signifies will likewise come through different modes of experience and being. Air signs represent energy that is fluid, restless, dynamic, sociable, and relational. Air signs are naturally curious, and express themselves through the intellect primarily as a general principle.
In a water sign, Jupiter will extend an invitation into the emotional realms, the realms of imagination, vision, mystic experience, intuition, sacredness, spiritual connection and depth. We may yearn to meet ourselves and others more deeply, seeking comfort and nourishment there. Jupiter in Pisces is a good time to water the soul, and to do what brings us to that place of connection with ourselves, with others, and with deeper meaning in life. Since water signs have so much to do with heart-connections, nourishing our relationships can be a path to experiencing some facet of depth and growth during this season of Jupiter in Pisces.
Throughout its tour of Aquarius, Jupiter has been in a Saturn ruled air sign, which to some extent reins in the good it can bring. Plus, not only that, but it’s also been co-present (in the same sign as, and therefore somewhat intermingled) with Saturn in Aquarius, and so there’s really been a strong tinge of limitation, maturity, systems and rules overlaid on Jupiter’s activities.
Jupiter in its home sign of Pisces can more freely bring about the positive significations that it is associated with.
How will Jupiter in Pisces impact you?
- Look to the house in your natal chart that Jupiter in Pisces will be transiting. Using the whole sign system, Jupiter will now be amplifying and providing ease for a new set of topics in each of our lives. Look to that house to see how you can assist in allowing Jupiterian flow.
- If you are a Pisces or have planets in Pisces, you will definitely have a Jupiter transit between now and May 10. Jupiter will directly provide an opportunity to amplify and bless the topics of that planet and the houses that planet rules.
- If you are a water sign Sun, Moon, rising, or rising sign ruler, you already have an affinity with the water element and may find Jupiter’s transit through Pisces to be especially comforting.
Jupiter in Pisces Key Dates
- May 13 – July 28, 2021 – Jupiter transits 0-2 degrees Pisces
- December 28, 2021 – May 10, 2022: Jupiter transits 0-29 degrees Pisces
- October 28, 2022 – Dec 20, 2022: Jupiter transits 28-29 degrees Pisces.
- 2010 was the last time Jupiter transited Pisces. Think on what happened back then for a clue to themes that may be similar now.
So even after Jupiter leaves Pisces in May, (and enters Aries! Fire and air signs rejoice!), it will return for about 7 weeks at the end of the year.
You might wish to welcome Jupiter with fresh flowers, new bed sheets, a simple candle lit, or just an attitude of welcoming in your heart.