Dear Friends,
November opens up a season of active astrology, several bits of which are worth exploring in some depth. As I often say, knowing that certain energies are playing out is its own medicine. Knowing the quality of the energy helps us to name it when it shows up in our lives. Knowing the timeline of impact can help us to make wiser choices in the moment. Ultimately we can choose to create more harmony, typically through restraint, rather than disharmony by letting the mind carry us away on x or y narrative. Wishing you a blessed month of November!
Eclipse Season Incoming
November 6 – December 10
Eclipse season starts within the first week of the month. Eclipse season begins when the sun is 18 degrees away from the nodal axis, and ends when it separates from the nodal axis by 18 degrees.
Eclipse seasons are typically characterized by the following features (and different people will be more or less sensitive to or impacted by it. Animals can be sensitive to the heightened energy):
- A feeling of wildcard energy
- Changes occurring in a short period of time
- A lot of life squeezed into a short period of time
- A general feeling of things being slightly more high tension than usual
These experiences can vary from person to person, and are sometimes more noticeable in global or wider social events. This eclipse season is fencing off the activation of the Saturn Uranus square by Mars, so we can make a reasonable astrological projection that there will be significant developments on the social, political, global, and personal levels.
The eclipses this month will fall on the below dates, and may be more noticeable for you if you have planets or points 3-4 degrees by conjunct, square, or opposition aspect of the degree of the eclipse.
- November 19 – Partial Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) at 27 degrees Taurus (north node eclipse bringing in energy)
- December 4 – Total Solar Eclipse (New Moon) at 12 degrees Sagittarius (south node eclipse allowing energy to exit)
If you do have planets near these degrees, take a look at the house the planet is placed in, the houses it rules, as well as its natural significations for an idea of where in life the eclipse themes may unfold.
Mars Enters Scorpio
Mars enters Scorpio on October 30. (it is now at 0 degrees Scorpio as of this e-mail) Mars in the nocturnal sign of its rulership is like a silent spy moving from one place to another by night, to execute the next phase of its strategic plan to achieve an overarching objective. It is like a highly trained ninja that makes several advanced moves without a sound. By the time its opponent realizes what is happening, it’s over.
So the Scorpio parts of all of our charts will be activated. If you are a Scorpio, Mars in Scorpio could be a season of increased activity for you. For all of us, Mars invites us to take a deeper and more sustained look at key areas of our lives and especially plans, strategies, or motives around certain topics. Mars in Scorpio brings energy down and in, and we are invited to follow it there.
The broader social narrative indicated by the Saturn-Uranus square will also be stimulated and pushed while Mars transits this sign, kicking off personal and social developments surrounding the themes of authority, structure and stability on one side, with freedom and wildcard energy on the other. If your chart is being transited by both Saturn and Uranus now, Mars activating this square may especially open up new developments and storylines around these transits for you.
So how best to work with the energy of Mars in Scorpio? It’s a great time for:
- Making strategic plans with a long range view
- Penetration into both the deeper and subtler layers of the motivations that are the seeds of our current attitudes, actions, and choices in the world.
- Reflection on more complex emotions and unraveling them and letting the threads free in the wind where appropriate.
Venus into Capricorn
Venus enters Capricorn November 5th. Venus will spend from November 5 to March 6 in Capricorn –four months!– experiencing a retrograde cycle on the way. The Capricorn part of all of our charts gets both Venus’ blessing and its transformational cycle as Venus goes through her extended stay in the sign.
We will discuss this more in a future newsletter so stay tuned for that discussion!
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