The next Mercury retrograde will be from September 27 to October 18. Mercury will station at 25 degrees Libra and will retrograde to 10 degrees Libra.
As Mercury stations, it will make an extended aspect both to Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Aquarius. Both bodies are retrograde. Pluto is stationing and will turn direct by October 6.
The conversations that happen over the next couple of weeks are seeds. Rather than yielding fruit immediately, these conversations can continue to deepen and reveal new layers over the coming months. Many conversations or lines of thinking may now be initiated, as Pluto and Mercury are both in cardinal signs. These exchanges are seeds that are meant to blossom later; they will not necessarily yield fruit immediately.
Conversations now can center around a change that is coming as a result of inquiring into some structure that has long been a construction zone, so to speak. The conversations that happen at this time are also potentially tinged with a quality of truth telling, or of emotional confrontation with respect to the structures of our lives or the architecture of our thinking or thinking patterns.
Some people will be more sensitive to Mercury retrogrades. If you are in a Mercury ruled profection year, or if you are in a Libra profection year, this Mercury retrograde may be more prominent in your life right now. If you are a Libra or Libra rising, or if you have planets that Mercury will be transiting over its retrograde, this could be a more prominent retrograde for you.
But, not every retrograde is a big deal in every person’s life every time.
If you’re feeling this Mercury retrograde you could take it as an invitation to more deeply explore the layers of a certain situation in your life. Pluto will assist in adding depth to the exploration. Jupiter can broaden thinking, help us to see opportunity, and feel more confident moving in a new direction, especially if there is a structure or system supporting the broader point of view that is being considered.
In a Venus ruled sign, Mercury counsels that amiability, diplomacy, measured thoughts, and well-considered, considerately delivered communications are beneficial approaches to any conversations that are meant to initiate something new, push forward a relationship or that are more challenging.
It’s also a good idea to get feedback from other people who can help refine one’s thoughts, broaden one’s vision, potentially opening opportunities.
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