These horoscopes are also published in the blog section of the Los Angeles Review of Books.
February is an eclipse month. During eclipse months, time seems to lose its sense of linearity — it speeds up, and a lot more seems to happen within the space of a calendar month than seems typical or possible. Warrior energy winds through the month. Find ways to appease your inner pioneer, rebellious shit stirrer, combative lone warrior. It is better to direct these archetypes than to have them direct you!
Jupiter turns retrograde at the beginning of the month, coloring that time frame with an increased re-consideration or re-visitation to the various relationships that fill our lives. Also under consideration are the points of view of others, the cooperation we engage in, and the diplomacy that is necessary (or not) to engage in with others.
This month’s Full Moon is an eclipse in Leo on February 10. It is a time of energetic peak, fullness, drama and benevolence. February’s second eclipse is a New Moon solar eclipse in Pisces. It is a highly empathic, sensitive time of the month that lends itself to increased emotional empathy, high sensitivity, and altered states of consciousness. Be sure to exercise good boundary practices around this time, and if you wish it can be a wonderful time to release old illusions or delusions and invite in a healthy sense of imagination with one foot firmly planted in reality and the other roaming along some alternate dimension. Have a great month!
Your sign is home territory for Mars, and Mars is romping through your sign through March. What this means is after a particularly wet and soggy Pisces season you are reinvigorated, fired up, and energized. This month makes clear that you are leading others to follow your vision, or leading yourself to expanded role life is asking you to step into now. While you do have your finger on the pulse of a larger, deeper, and broader dynamic than others are likely to be taking account of, getting them to see your point of view is a diplomatic endeavor whose careful undertaking will serve you well in gathering support now. While tendencies to lone-wolf it typically get you farther faster, with the added benefit of standing on ground of your own design, you are in an extended period of time where cooperating with others is a crucial key to a broader and deeper impact. Nurturing and preserving relationships is worth your energy. Behaving toward others with this consideration in mind will expand your own point of view while opening additional avenues for your own influence to flow through. Toward the last week of the month, while there is likely to be much on your plate, you may also be feeling like you need more rest then usual. Make time for deep rest and recuperation. Do your Aries best not to resist this urge. The Pisces time of year is naturally a more receptive and visionary time for you, and you’ll fare better when the Sun enters your sign if you honor this natural flow of energy at this time!
This is your month to drawn down the vision you have for the most visible parts of your life — your career or vocation, and the actual shape of your life itself. An important component of your public work in the world involves offering your steadiness, reliability, and deep well of creativity to your corner of the world, for the upliftment of all people without classification or categorization. The first half of this month’s planetary activity asks you where you can responsibly expand your impact in this area of life. Give yourself the gift of the support that would help you to sustainably pursue the expanded sphere of activity that is now a part of your day to day life. This can take the form of support from others, from organizational systems, hired help, or streamlined management practices. While you do have a lot going on at work and while you are the communicator and weaver among the many different people and projects you are involved in, this month also asks you to take time to reflect and turn inward to connect with a deeper source of initiative and direction. You could try to muscle your way through any urges to take a passive-active approach, but then you would be muscling. Instead, what is being asked of you is to introspect, decide firmly on your desire, and become so deeply relaxed that the circumstances you would otherwise carefully nurture into being via various practical measures actually spring forth from a place of divine organization.
This month you may be considering a long term goals and vision for your future. While traveling, taking or holding a course or workshop, or gathering forces with friends of like mind you mind map, feel and crystallize these visions. Begin to consider the glorious rush of confidence and accomplishment that would result in your sharing your true, authentic voice with the world, rather than presentation you feel you ought to don. You are diverse and multifaceted sign, and as long as you are bringing your integrity with you wherever you go, your many means of expressing yourself are simply a reflection of divine multiplicity. It’s up to others to decide if they can deal – your journey is your own. This month your peers in the various social groups you belong to are now demonstrating leadership skills you would be wise to observe and absorb. They may come in handy later when you are considering a change in graceful attitude to a work related topic. A challenging confrontation toward the end of the month dissipates or changes shape in the face of honesty, courage and love, so bring your best sense of self-certainty to any social function or group collaboration scenario. This month’s Full Moon highlights the long arc of your distant goals and what you do on a day to day basis that matches the meeting of those goals. You are encouraged to speak with pride, share your truth, heal your voice. It’s not a bad month to begin introspecting on the dreams you’ve accomplished and the mountain’s you’ve yet to imagine climbing.
Your work life is the stage and all the component pieces are but players…. is a phrase you could keep in mind if things become a bit intense this month. It will be a busy month at work, so it is important that you pace yourself. You’re well grounded in positive self-care habits you have been developing since late 2014, so definitely deploy those if you feel you want to take it all on at once. Exercise that care that is like muscle memory to you now and you will be fully equipped for all the taking-over-the-world type actions you are likely to be involved in this month. While you’re going about your business, pause every once in a while to investigate reasons why you’re doing what you’re doing and why you’re pursuing the path you are in the way you are. This kind of fundamental questioning, alongside a solid self care routine, will set you up to have a successful month, maintain a healthy response to stress, and, importantly, course correct if there are any procedures or details of day to day operations that come to your attention for changing. Toward the end of the month, watch for a catalyst for career transformation to come from a close partner. A re-think on any family relationships plays a role as well — and while forgiveness is one of the supreme virtues, just be sure you are not encouraging any future bad behavior. No need for rush decisions. By the opening of March you may be considering a long coveted dream, and it could become apparent to you that its fruition could come through an extended pivot in some facet of your work life.
This month you are moving into a period of time that is lighter, brighter, and faster moving — all energies you are more comfortable wielding. You may be asking yourself questions about the scale of your longer term ambitions this month. You may find yourself visioning a scope of action that is much bigger and broader than you’d previously considered. It’s perfectly grand to be thinking of this, and in fact with the movement of the nodal axis into your sign, with eclipses happening in your sign from here on out for the next 18 months, you are now more energetically supported to pursue a bolder and wider scale vision. Just be careful of the urge to want to strike out on your own where others present a formidable counter-position to your long term visions. Be aware of the effect of an enlarged scope of action on your health and day to day actions. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t take on more, just to be mindful of the physical needs and demands of your body even as you are planning to be more effective on a larger scale. If in doubt, bounce your ideas off a forward thinking, supportive, and compassionate partner to check on the long term roll out process of any grand plans. In the light of this month’s Full Moon, a new phase in how you perceive yourself is initiated. This would be the time to become more confident with the way you wield power in the world, consider accepting the increase in authority coming your way, and prime yourself to share your brilliance with the world.
Use this month to dream up the shapes your day could take that would be the most live giving for you. The habits that make up your day to day life can create disorder, disconnection, and chaos, if they are not deliberately put together by you. On the other hand, by making inspired adjustments to your day to day life, you can become closer to the gentle hum inside you that urges you to go veggie for a week, have a spa day every Thursday, or get help with the kids so you have more time to bring an inner vision to life. An incredible amount of energy is flowing between you and others this month, and navigating the landscape of what is shared between you and someone close to you is a theme you can expect to be working with through the Spring time. It’s worth considering the dual nature of this situation. On one hand, you need to have a certain amount of independence to maneuver your own energies and the fruits of the labor you have a hand in producing. On the other, it benefits your process of self actualization to help others take a more assertive approach in sharing with you what their personal needs are and how they can be met. Finding a compassionate and imaginative way to balance these competing needs is your special task for the month.
This is a month for conscious digestion. A year of Jupiter in your sign includes a retrograde cycle with it, and February would be the month that retrograde begins. This is a month to chew what you’ve bitten off, see how it sits with you, see what kind of energy it provides you with, and consider any shifts or re-alignments you want to make within the bigness you and your world have taken on. Your lovers and other close partners will be requiring more energy from you this month, perhaps being a bit more confrontational, or simply offering more energy for you to manage or bounce off of. Remember that while a hallmark of the Libran MO is demonstrating how “what you want is also what I want and really our desires intersect many places, I’ll show you how”, this month you are being asked to more forthrightly place your own interests on the menu of options under consideration. Your flourishing into more of who you are, meeting more of your desires, depends on your taking this stand for yourself and building in the outer structures into your life that allow you to connect with your own signal regularly and making the inner changes that will fuel you to feel strong in looking out for your own interests. Consider this, even if what you’re thinking might rattle some cages or surprise others who are used to your being more even handed than you’re likely to be feeling this month.
An eclipse in your vocational sector this month could have a number of effects. It may bring in a new boss, bring in a new position, or simply offer up the exciting seed of a new idea for what you want to pursue for work. Increased energy devoted to work this month should be countered with just as ferocious devotion to the balance between health and work. This month’s eclipses usher in a new focus on change that will center around your career and vocation, and your home life. As you are seeking to create a home life that meets your needs of expansive space to let all your Scorpio energies roam to the corners of the earth to see what they can see, and a work life that will satisfy your creative expression, make sure you are also paying sufficient attention to the body that makes it all possible. With Uranus transiting your 6th house, stimulated by a bevy of planetary activity this month, consider pursuing alternative technologies of healthcare to streamline your healthcare practices or take them to the next level. Seek out a practitioner of alternative, atypical, or unusual health modalities to discuss how their remedy could enhance your life. If this month you feel the impulse to do a herculean amount of work, that is certainly possible and you have access to increased resources for such an endeavor. Just know that there may be an accompanying urge reflect on any recent or upcoming expansion. Making time for that might tap you into a vein of much needed reflection on the (re)construction in your career that you may wish to work toward.
This month’s eclipses reflect a new era of reconstruction for you. This month’s Full Moon lunar eclipse points to higher education education, long distance travel and writing and communications as areas you will be renovating over the course of the next 18 months. You may be working on a book, publishing more frequently, or going back to school to get a higher degree. In a bird’s eye view sense, this is part of an unfolding plan plan that will broaden your mind, expand the previous boundaries of your understanding, and shift the way you share all with others. You are being supported to think deeper and more independently. You are of course quite familiar with the depth of personal reflection that has been asked of you since late 2014, and this month you arrive at an opportunity point to share that depth in conversation and communication with others. Through early March you may find yourself interested in the pleasures of life, expressing and experiencing them to the fullest. You could pursue a head first dive into exploring romance, sexual exploration, and vibrant self expression as a gift to yourself for all the consequential personal growth you have been doing for the past many months. This would also have the in invigorating effect of laying energetic groundwork for the mental and spiritual growth on which you are beginning to embark.
If you’re feeling restless about a situation at home, could it be time to consider a change? You could move around all the furniture, sage the whole place up, make the place as sacred a reflection as possible of your inner space. You could take it up a notch and move into a new place in the same building or you could go all out and go far, far away. The sky is the limit and the truth is, if something is itching at you it’s probably wisest to understand first what inside you is seeking an avenue for conscious expression. Get clear on that first, then you can make any change you want. The Full Moon eclipse this month opens up a new funnel of energy into your intimate life. You could become closer to yourself in this way, but it’s likely that over the coming months you could be more deeply exploring the landscape of intimacy with another. You have Mercury, the god of merchants and commerce, traveling through your very stately and well organized financial sector this month. Thus it is a good month to become intimate the nature of your financial inflows and outflows, get your books in order, create your budget, and spreadsheet it up. This area of your life is asking for a good ritual purification and cleansing so please oblige. Toward the end of the month an incredible amount of flow exists in the way you share your self through communication. Carry your steno pad with you, and honor the muse by giving physicality in the form of letters to her gentle whispers.
As you go about discerning what you want your life to look like and pursuing that vision, it would benefit you to give physical creative expression to any inner reveries as well. This month may find you more actively re-considering aspects of any long-term visions, and perhaps thinking about ways to shorten the gestation cycle on some plans you thought would take a longer time to come to pass than actually do. Changing around your immediate environment to enhance your particular aesthetic sensibilities will shift the energy around you and call in benevolent forces to your aid as you’re any recalibrating around the direction you’re taking aspects of your life. You are also in a long term phase of changing your relating patterns with siblings, and while there is increased energy funneling into your relationship with your close of kin, it would be to your benefit to direct that energy toward constructive ends, like spirited conversation, short journeys together, or nature walks rather than letting it float out there without a purpose, where it’s more likely to have its way with you than the other way around. Your communications have more force behind them than usual this month, so while you are able to persuasively bring others around to your point of view by the confidence imbued in your words, watch for coming across as defiant or aggressive where your full intention might be different than that.
The first half of the month is your time to re-connect with the inner, hidden, united parts of your existence. If there is anything within the deep of your consciousness you would love to explore, the energetic tide of the first couple of weeks of the month fully support that. Do take this time for more introspection and introversion than usual. The self-care points you accumulate during this time will serve you well toward the final weeks of the month when you will use those points to shine at your Pisces-rainbow-brightest. On another note, you are energetically encouraged to direct your attention to material affairs this month. A very bold Mars vivifies your money house. If you were considering expanding revenue streams, amplifying existing ones, or resurrecting previous sources of income that worked well for you, this would be the time to begin investigating possibilities. Toward the end of the month take care to be vigilant about increased sensitivity you may be experiencing. Be deliberate about the energy you keep around you and the sensory impressions you allow yourself to consume. Any compassionate urge to do for others should come after an inner self-check that all personal boundaries necessary for proper self-functioning are honored first. From there you can make the decision that honors you.
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