If you wanna be startin’ something, you gotta be startin’ something.
~Michael Jackson
New Moon in Aries April 7 2016 7:24 AM EDT
Greetings of the New Moon in Aries!
Today’s New Moon is the first New Moon after the astrological New Year – the Equinox on March 20, 2016 – and it is a New Moon for bold new beginnings.
Aries is about willpower, initiative, daring, boldness, risk taking. The story of this New Moon’s contact to Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus is a reminder about personal and collective will power, to the tune of the notion that the established rules are up for grabs. Rules, the kind you give yourself or the kind a society draws up for itself, didn’t necessarily come from an All Knowing Source, and can be re-written. And that process begins from within.
Rules re-written on a collective level begin with a group of people, now 10, now 100, now 1,000, now 10,000, now 100,000, etc., decide to look at the world differently, decide that something needs to change, because something is not working in the environment. What starts as a brave individual speaking out can turn into tidal wave of individuals influencing their immediate environments. People who love other people begin to care enough to decide something needs to change through the official channels. And a current is formed.
The current could take the form of an opinion – these types of people are bad, capitalism is bad, bernie sanders is good, legalizing marijuana is good, prison reform is good, we don’t want the government reading our e-mails, sexuality is fluid, the immigrants need to go, build a wall higher, lets build a starbucks on every block, lets build a yoga studio in every town — and the opinion catches on.
The current informs the outcome, the effect on tangible matter, in this case the Capricorn in Pluto in Capricorn.
Pluto in Capricorn at this New Moon speaks to a feeling at the deepest level of emotions that shows up as a result in what is produced in the physical world. The thing about Pluto in Capricorn is that there is no hiding the truth. If there is rot at the social level of authority, of business, of public life, it will be revealed. Capricorn’s sea goat composition means emotion soaks into the soil and what grows from there reveals what the emotion is. This can be denied, but not for long. This is identity at a cellular level. Oranges grow from orange trees, apples grow from apple trees, grapes grow from grapevines. The truth of identity is as simple and eternal as that.
Another theme of this New Moon is the power of Will. Willpower is the ability to lead the self through an action, despite resistance (will often invokes this idea of resistance alongside it as well). Aries does not easily capitulate to the will of others, it has too much pioneering to do and too many trails to blaze. Although by the time Jupiter enters Libra this September, considering the other may become a bit more important.
Authority, another theme of this New Moon. Authority seems to have this hidden idea dancing pervasively around it – “someone must give me to you”. And that seems to be the deeply lodged belief many of us hold around our own authority – but a reframing and reconceptualization of this concept might shed some light.
For example, in Uranus terms, a group of people embodying a current or social wave come to a set of agreements- perhaps about how they should treat each other, how they should approach a project, or if creating a society – where the gardens or stop lights go, or whether they need a sewer system, or how they will decide on which family get the beet crops this year. Right. The standard exercise a group of people who wish to live intentionally among each other would engage in.
These are notions ordinary people come up with themselves, and this still can be done to this day. It is not necessary to wait for a fairy godmother to tap you on the head with the magic wand of authority and say “ye have been sanctioned to do what thou wilt”. You can in fact take it upon yourself, deliberate, get informed, come to agreements, and write up some documents and make some commitments – then continue to do follow through on them. Whether this is with yourself or with others.
Saturn’s presence in a trine to this New Moon says let’s tap ourselves with our own magic wands of authority for the long haul. Let’s be our own fairy godmothers. Let’s remember the responsibility that comes with being in a position of leadership, and tend to those responsibilities regularly. Things like responsibility in the information that is broadcast, responsibility in respecting other people’s will power, and what leadership looks like as a lifestyle – whether you are leading yourself, leading a family, facilitating a group project, or facilitating a personal change. Something is being called forth from within you asking you to meet it head on, hand on heart, full awareness, and asks if you are up for it.
New Moon time means the Moon is dark but waxing, so it is still a good time to travel within, meditate, ask for input, check out what is going on in there, and feel into what wants to emerge, and what is ready to say “I Am.”, and through those words alone come into existence.
With love,
image: Ace of Wands from the Medieval Scapini deck by Luigi Scapini
I am hosting a live call on Mars Retrograde on April 12 at 12:30 pm Eastern. I will be doing chart examples and taking questions live! Would love to have you there – sign up here to attend, or get the recording.
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