Saturn’s sustained re-entry into Sagittarius is emphatically and immediately colored by a concern with relationship, coming at the tail end of a Venus Retrograde and on the same day as Mercury stationing retrograde in the sign of relationship.
Saturn’s dispositor, its planetary ruler, is Jupiter in Virgo. Jupiter is taking the energy of Saturn, shaping, molding and pushing Saturn’s themes forward in a Virgoan manner. This is the way dispositorship works in natal astrology. At the very least, the link between Jupiter and Sagittarius should be acknowledged. The current composition of planetary interplay presents something too potently synchronous to be overlooked.
This link between Saturn and Jupiter has to do with doing the work. This is specifically about repeated small efforts creating a streamlined efficiency, which makes a momentous shift possible over time. This is about acknowledging the work that has to be put into fair dealings with others.
The sextile is an aspect of opportunity, requiring effort to create momentum for a good thing to happen. The opportunity now is to crystallize the story you tell yourself about relationships and about your personal participation in them. Libra and Aries.
In contrast with the “hand it to you on a silver platter” trine aspect, the sextile demands inquiry and attention. The transiting sextile between Saturn and the North Node in Libra encourages an honest look at the issues raised in your life now, to yield a new story of the foundation of your life, of what is important to you. The story, though, will not magically tell itself. However, once it sees that you want to know its forms and landmarks, its plot points and climaxes, once you show this to the story by beginning to really think about and articulate it, beginning to really weigh and measure it, then… Then it reveals its features to you in more vivid detail.
Libra is about balance and it’s about relationships. Don’t automatically take that to mean relationships are the way to go for everyone now for some kind of futuristic ideal of ultimate self-growth. For you, balance might mean that you’ve been giving yourself over to relationships too intensely for too long, and now it’s time to focus on yourself and your own desires and work and pursuits. It might mean that within the context of relationship you need more time on your own to grow or heal in another area of your life. It might mean that you need help from others to heal in a part of your life outside the relationship proper. It might mean that you want to more powerfully express your individuality in relationship, and you need to have a conversation about that with your partner. It might mean that you do desire to be in a relationship now and you need to design a new story about what that looks like for you. It might mean that you have a serious health concern and you need people to look out for you now. The point is to really think about what would benefit the structure of your life, how you co-exist with others, and do something real with what you’re coming up with.
This transiting sextile is about using the mind in a way that is both sober and uplifting. It’s about the work it takes to produce fruits of combined efforts, and how these fruits both heal and contribute to a larger meaning. The sextile is the division of the horoscope by six, a number associated with Venus. Venus and Saturn and Libra are all symbollically linked, bonding again the ideas of love and effort. During this moment in time, during full throttle eclipse season and Mercury retrograde and all, it is honest consideration and authentic communication which are avenues to personal truth that is gritty, real, and healing.
This aspect, Saturn sextile the North Node, is in effect until around the time Mercury goes direct, when Saturn moves on to the third degree of Sagittarius — October 11th or so.
Yours in careful contemplation,
I’ve been feeling the desire so strongly to map things out, to start charting my ideas on paper and seeing the connections… the ‘plot points’. I’ve had this sense that once I do that, I’ll have a better grasp of things that are only just vague right now.. this totally speaks to that, thanks for the eloquent thoughts!