As I prepared to write this article on the first quarter Moon I considered whether it was the first quarter Moon I am writing about, or this first quarter Moon. So two articles were birthed in the process and here is the first and most immediately relevant of the two.
During the first quarter square Moon, pressure mounts as the old way of being meets new circumstances which are now seeking an act of birthing in the world of matter. This meeting is characterized by a quality of pressure, tension, and the burning desire to actively shape existing circumstances into a new field of expression.
The Sun in Taurus cycle with the Moon in Leo speaks to the confident creation, remolding, and expression of established resources in order to reach the next stage of growth and development. The courageous action of a leader is what inspires other people to a shiny new and broader dimension of being in the world.
The psychological process that breeds (5th house/8th house funni) utter personal transformation is a theme that is highlighted in the first quarter moon chart. Taking personal responsibility for creating the conditions that honor both the personal need to expand one’s life by taking courageous action serves to motivate lovers, friends, children, clients, and lookers on (internet age internet age) to do the same. What you are doing when you are boldly and fearlessly rooted in yourself, and taking action from that place, is spiking the punch of the collective consciousness. If they’re there, others catch your psychic spark and ignite it in themselves, thereby busting complacency and doing the work to reach the next level of development.
The Moon is making a close aspect Ceres in the first quarter Moon chart suggesting a cosmic reminder that nurturing does not have to involve the ego. Disseminating a message (3rd house/9th house themes) to many people infiltrates the psyche and encourages folks to think deeply about their own transformations, or the personal changes that can be made which in turn serve a broader cause or purpose within the immediate environment and the world, whether that be the conversation among family members or the letter sent to a humanitarian organization half way around the world.
Remember that the passion cultivated within sexuality is a powerful energy that can be directed toward creating. What is created is a personal choice. If you are in the position to use the sexual energies to consciously create then you’re doing really well at this most fertile and productive, if tense, first quarter Moon time.
See you the next time around.
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