Good afternoon! The Moon is in Cancer and will go void at 1:04 pm EDT, entering Leo at 9:13 am EDT April 24th.
Our gentle Moon has been through the ringer these past 24-36 hours. Am not sure who spiked the punch, but I have been noticing many people releasing. People are releasing emotional patterns, releasing ancestral baggage, releasing personal stories that do not serve. Mars-Mercury flying together in Taurus gives the ability to seriously think quite deeply about the transformations being made.
Sun in Taurus, in the sign of the Moons exaltation, suggests feeling grounded and supported enough to get into vulnerable territory. Gemini Venus inconjunct Pluto sextile Uranus suggests receiving in an unusual way, the information to create deep structural transformation. So you get the information but it’s not being given to you directly, or you have to realize that this is the information to make use of.
Neptune in the degree of the nodes now suggests a deeply mystical element to the guidance toward the direction of personal path. While Venus sextile Uranus over the weekend suggests zany love over the weekend. The gift of gab and the will to assert your weirdest self. That is what’s sexy.
So yeah homies, let the feelings out man. Let out the weirdness. Let out the self expression & a friendly reminder that the clock’s ticking. So if not now, when. On the other hand, the Sun is in Taurus so the Universe moves graciously #contradictorymessagesbcVenusinGemini
The Moon moves into first quarter square this weekend. This is a development point in the lunar cycle. There could be tension around solidity of resources and self expression, feeling solid enough to shine our personal light, or developing the confidence needed to be ok with being an embodied being with the needs of an embodied being on the earth.
Finally, a gentle reminder that kindness is the most important thing. That starts with self kindness, or loving just one thing outside you, if self-kindness is hard.
Lots of love,
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